This page shows all inspection solutions for flat panel display glass

Flat Panel Display Glass

Inspection solutions for flat panel display glass

  • Fast ROI through short setup time
  • High level of customer satisfaction
  • Less waste and lower total cost of ownership
  • Maximum throughput of high-quality products
  • Process optimization through intelligent data management

Ensure flawless quality of flat panel display glass

Flat panel displays are ubiquitous in modern electronic devices, and their production involves several critical steps, each of which plays a crucial role in the quality and reliability of the final product. 

In every step of production, ISRA VISION's automatic inspection systems ensure that only flawless glass meeting quality standards is delivered to your customers.

Glass ribbon inspection

The benchmark for inspection of thin glass with micrometer precision

During the production of thin glass, the glass ribbon passes through several inspection stages to ensure the production of high-quality products. Our optical inspection system is an integral part of this process, enabling automatic real-time detection of common defects and even tiny threads as small as 10 µm.

Designed specifically for thin glass inspection on float glass, the system uses advanced technologies such as multi-view imaging and patented Dynamic Moiré technology with switchable high-power LED illumination to achieve optimal defect detection and sensitivity to optical distortion.

When a defect is detected, the system automatically provides feedback to personnel and classifies the defect by severity, size, type and location. This enables fast response and correction of problems, reducing production downtime and costs. 

In addition, the comprehensive defect data collected by the system allows for quick and easy root cause analysis, enabling continuous optimization of the glass manufacturing process.


Reliably detects all relevant defects

Detects even the tiniest scratches and core bubbles using patented cross-dark field illumination

Auto-classifies all findings according to type, size, and severity

Real-time feedback about defect types, size, and position

Monitors the optical power across the full glass ribbon; detects critical optical lines; monitors the Zebra angle

Precisely measures core size using the transmission channel, and defect depth via a reflection channel

Features, typical defects and technical data


  • Detection of cords down to 10 µm 
  • Unique patented Dynamic Moiré technology for monitoring of the optical power 
  • Robust cooling with advanced air cooling system 
  • Multi-view imaging and patented Dynamic Moiré technology 

Typical defects

  • Bubbles, stones, knots 
  • Top or bottom tin 
  • Scratches, streaks, cracks 
  • Contamination 
  • Edge defects 
  • Warpage 

Technical data

  • 30 µm optical resolution  
  • Up to 8 optical channels for advanced detection performances 
  • Patented channel for optical lines detection and measurement (reams, Zebra,…)  
  • Detection of cords down to 10 µm

Case Study - CTIEC

Learn how chinese manufacturer CTIEC automated their inspection of ultra-thin glass in-line.

Glass plate inspection

FPM-System 16-9

At every step of thin glass sheet production, several advanced inspection systems play a crucial role in quality assurance. 

High-precision edge inspection and permanent process optimization 

A specially designed system inspects the edges of thin glass substrates utilizing multiple illumination channels and high-resolution cameras. With its 180° view of the glass edge, this system detects grinding deviations and provides important data for improving the grinding process. It also reliably classifies all typical edge defects such as chips, cracks, shiners, burn marks, and asymmetries, guaranteeing a reliable quality assessment.

3-in-1 solution ensures flawless thin glass substrates at cleanroom quality

Another optical inspection system inspects the surfaces of thin glass substrates with the combined use of up to three inspection tasks. In the process, the system reliably detects and classifies even the smallest glass and surface defects. At the same time, it detects even the smallest scratches regardless of orientation. Finally, for monitoring cleanroom quality, a particle counting system detects all particles down to the micrometer range, classifies them by size and provides a statistical analysis of the particle distribution. It thus provides reliable data for monitoring cleanroom quality and optimizing the cleaning process. 

Reliable quality classification with microscopic analysis

To ensure reliable quality classification even for the smallest defects, our systems analyze the detected defects in more detail using an automatic microscope. Using the high-resolution microscope images, the defect classification is verified again, the size of the defect is precisely measured and its position in the glass is determined. The collected precise information ensures the reliable classification of glass sheets that meet the specifications for further processing or delivery. 


3-in-1 saves space and operating costs

Reduced costs and maintenance efforts achieved with multi-purpose systems and short line length

Return on investment achieved in the shortest time

Features, typical defects and technical data


  • Defect inspection: Advanced scratch detection up to 15kLux 
  • Edge inspection: Quality control of all 4 edges and corners 
  • Particle Counting: Top and bottom inspection 
  • Reviewing: Precise size information and defect depth measurement 

Typical defects

  • Sub-Micron Particles 
  • Fine scratch 
  • Shell, grinding defects, corners 
  • Inclusions, bubbles, platinum 
  • Stones, Pt needles, stain, cullet 

Technical data

  • Optical resolution  
  • Inspect: 15 µm/px 
  • Particle: 10.5 µm/px  or 21 µm/px 
  • Detection of particles down to 1 µm 
  • Illumination:  
  • Distortion Channel: Optic & Faint 
  • Transmission Bright Field 
  • Cross Dark Field 
  • Reflection Dark Field 

Case Study - Hunan Shahong

Learn how Hunan Shahong automated their inspection of thin glass to meeting rising quality demands.

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Small format glass inspection

SpecGAGE web 16-9

Small-format glasses are used for cutting-edge products such as smartphone displays, head-up displays and deflection mirrors, as well as car displays. A variety of quality problems can arise in the production process, such as inconsistent sizes or shapes, imperfections or defects in the glass or on the surface, poor clarity or visibility, and fragility or susceptibility to breakage.

To make matters worse, the quality control of reflective or transparent components is one of the most demanding tasks in optical quality assurance. ISRA VISION has set standards with phase-measuring deflectometry, a particularly reliable optical measurement method for highly reflective objects. This way, no defect remains undetected.

Ultra-Thin Glass inspection

The inspection of finished or pre-finished parts like cover glasses, ultra-thin glass, foldable glasses, or advanced transparencies require advanced features like contact-less conveying and complex inspection - including free form shape inspection algorithms and multi-zone smart inspection (e.g. zone definitions, printing, etc.).


Ship only defect-free material and avoid customer claims

Improve quality while ensuring high standards and process optimization

Reduce rejects prior to assembly

Improve processes and optimize yield

Features, typical defects and technical data


  • Automatic optical inspection of ultra-thin glass
  • Complete solution from conveyor to inspection to process monitoring
  • Possibility of operating several inspection systems on parallel production lines

Typical defects

  • Edges: Chippings
  • Surface: Bubbles, bumps, dents, dirt, etching defects, finger prints, inclusions, scratches
  • Point defects

Technical data

  • Inspection width (incl. drift): 200 mm
  • Inspection cycle: approx. 1 sec per smartphone glass (depends on the actual size)
  • Glass thickness: 0.03 mm to 2 mm
  • Glass color / transmission: 80 % for white light
  • Environmental conditions: Temperature (at illumination / camera beam): 20 °C ~ 30 °C Humidity: 40% ~ 50%

Quality control of reflective or transparent components

Smartphone displays: quality control before and after the display layers are joined together  

When the various display layers are joined, imprints on the cover glass and other defects can occur that are not visible to the naked eye but can impair the optical properties and function. Our optical surface inspection reliably detects local defects such as unevenness, carrier structures or so-called read-throughs before or after joining the display layers. 

Head-up displays & deflection mirrors   

Head-up display deflection mirrors must be perfectly shaped and coated, because this is the only way they can produce an optimum image. Deviations in the shape of the deflection mirrors or defects in the coating can disrupt the image and thus impair driving safety. ISRA VISION’s automated inspection reliably detects shape deviations and surface defects in just one measurement pass. The result: Only flawless mirrors are delivered. 


Concave shapes are being used more and more frequently, especially in the automotive sector, as the displays require less space for the same display size. At the same time, they place increased demands on quality inspection, because in addition to the flawless surface and optical quality, the fit and shape must also be exactly right. The inspection system for phase-measuring deflectometry checks the shape and surface of curved and flat displays and cover glasses in just one measuring pass, thus enabling reliable and highly efficient quality control for car displays.


Fast capturing of form and defects: Only one measuring tool for two measuring tasks

Traceability: detection of production defects over specific periods of time

Fast and precise CAD comparison

Flexibility in size, shape, and variety of parts

Automatic optical inspection of ultra-thin glass at line speeds with complete solution from conveyor to inspection to process monitoring

Production optimization with clear defect classification and traceability

Features, typical defects and technical data


  • 100% defect detection and form control for reflective or transparent surfaces 
  • Fully automated inspection and evaluation 
  • Shape and defect inspection in one measurement 
  • Determination of stable and comparable values 
  • Multi-Part Inspection: Simultaneous measurement of multiple parts in a tray 
  • Large-Part Inspection: Inspection of large, curved parts 
  • Real-time production monitoring & process control

Typical defects

  • Edges: Chippings, cracks 
  • Surface: Scratches, inclusions, Polishing marks, Carrier structures, read throughs, orange peel, dents, bubbles, bumps, dirt, fingerprints, etching defects 
  • Shape: Form deviations 

Technical data

  • Inspection width: from 600 mm up to 2500 mm; others on request

Case Study - VIAOPTIC GmbH

Learn, how VIAOPTIC GmbH simplified their serial inspection considerably with our measurement of plastic optics.

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웹 기반 생산 분석 플랫폼을 통해 모든 생산 라인의 시스템 상태를 한눈에 확인하거나 생산 데이터를 세부적으로 분석할 수 있습니다. 품질 관리 시스템을 통해 과거 데이터를 분석하고, 현재 검사 데이터를 실시간으로 모니터링하며, 생산 공정의 향후 추세를 파악할 수 있습니다.


생산 최적화

대시보드를 통해 생산 라인과 제품 데이터를 현장 또는 원격으로 비교하여 최적화를 위한 핵심 인사이트를 얻을 수 있습니다. 이를 통해 가치 사슬 전반에 걸쳐 정보에 입각한 전문적인 의사 결정을 내릴 수 있어 제품 품질과 수익성을 높일 수 있습니다. 최적화 조치의 진행 상황을 지속적으로 추적하고 시각화된 고급 리포트를 통해 이를 제시할 수 있습니다


생산 결함 조기 발견

실시간 상태 정보와 자동 알림을 통해 생산의 모든 단계에서 임계값 위반의 원인을 감지하고 신속하게 파악할 수 있습니다. 그 결과 생산 결함을 신속하게 해결하고 가동 중단 시간을 단축하며 생산 비용을 절감할 수 있습니다.


예측 유지보수

센서와 모니터링 시스템의 실시간 데이터를 분석하여 잠재적인 시스템 장애를 예방할 수 있습니다. 이를 통해 정해진 일정에 따르지 않고 기계의 실제 상태를 기반으로 유지보수를 사전에 계획할 수 있습니다. 이러한 데이터 기반 접근 방식은 다운타임을 줄이고 전반적인 생산성을 높임으로써 비용을 절감할 뿐만 아니라 생산 라인 수명을 연장합니다.

Your Benefits 이점

  • 시간을 절약하 수 있는 multi-line overview, 모든 품질 관련 정보를 한 번에 볼 수 있는 One view 시스템
  • 시스템 상태 데이터 모니터링으로 다운타임 최소화
  • 품질 데이터 모니터링으로 품질 문제에 대한 신속한 대응
  • 생산 결함의 신속한 제거, 생산 비용 절감
  • 유지보수 개선으로 다운타임 감소, 전체 생산성 향상 및 생산 라인 수명 연장

Key features 특징

생산 데이터 및 공장 상태에 대한 Overview

웹 기반 솔루션 (클라이언트 소프트웨어 설치 필요 없음)

사업부 중심의 대시보드, 고객별 맞춤 설정 가능

실시간 데이터에서 얻은 Live 로 인사이트 확보

임계값 모니터링 및 경고

관련 타사 데이터 통합 가능 및 고객 시스템으로 데이터 내보내기 가능

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생산 시스템의 효율적이고 미래 지향적인 운영을 위해 우수한 자격을 갖춘 서비스팀이 모든 문제에 대해 전 세계적으로 고객을 지원합니다. 연중무휴 24시간 신속하고 안정적으로 시스템의 구현, 유지보수 및 서비스는 물론 분석 및 최적화를 제공합니다.

서비스 센터를 방문하여 맞춤형 서비스 솔루션을 요청하세요.

또한 유능한 트레이너를 통해 시스템 운영자, 제품 엔지니어 및 품질 관리자가 진정한 검사 전문가가 될 수 있도록 직원들에게 항상 최신 지식을 제공하는 방법을 알아보시려면  ISRA 아카데미를 방문하세요.

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Contact us

Jennifer Kirstein


Albert-Einstein-Allee 36-40
45699 , Herten