This page shows all inspection solutions for float gass


Innovative inspection solutions for float glass

  • Reduced quality and production costs
  • Less waste and maximized throughput of high-quality products
  • Increased process efficiency and yield
  • Reduced customer quality complaints

Ensure the highest quality of float glass throughout the production process

Floatglas web 16-9

The production of float glass is a complex process that involves several stages, from melting and refining, to the float bath, coating, annealing, and cutting. At each stage, various issues can occur that can impair the quality of the final product.

For instance, air bubbles or impurities in the raw materials used for melting and refining can lead to defects in the glass. Similarly, problems during the float bath stage, such as inclusions, bubbles and striations, can result in uneven thickness or surface irregularities.

Throughout the entire production process ISRA VISION inspection systems ensure the quality of float glass, from the cooling of the glass ribbon to cutting the finished glass plate. Our automated systems detect and classify even the tiniest defects or abnormalities in the glass. This helps to prevent issues from occurring in the first place and ensures that the final product meets the necessary quality standards.

Glas ribbon inspection

During the float glass production stages, industry-proven inspection systems monitor the quality of the glass ribbon in real-time. From the hot end to the cold section of the float line, the systems ensure compliance with the strictest quality standards.

On the moving glass ribbon, the advanced systems accurately detect and classify distorting and non-distorting defects down to the micrometer range.

Reliable quality from the hot end to the cold section of the float line

Mounted directly after the float bath, the optical inspection systems precisely measure the glass thickness, width and position of the glass ribbon at the earliest possible point. Thanks to their patented measurement technology, the systems are adaptive and unaffected by glass thickness, transmission deviations, bending or tilt. An intuitive and user-friendly interface clearly visualizes the processes with individually selectable display options. Based on several patented ISRA technologies, such as Cross Dark Field and Moiré, the inspection systems guarantee the highest precision in optical measurement and thus enable glass production with lower thickness tolerance limits.

Exact glass tension monitoring  

At the cold end of the float line, a specially developed inspection system reliably records a precise stress profile. It combines the results with data from the thickness measurement to optimize the learning process and ensure the production of stress-free glass. The system immediately informs the user of process-related changes so that he can quickly take corrective action.

Inline inspection of coating color 

Seamless control of the glass coating color is provided by a coating inspection system equipped with innovative RGB color camera technology. The system reliably and precisely detects inhomogeneity defects inline and ensures a uniform appearance of the glass ribbon.

Throughout the float glass production process, our systems collect inspection data while production management software analyzes this data. This enables manufacturers to optimize process efficiency, increase the amount of marketable material, and ensure a fast return on investment. 


Automated fully integrated surface inspection including

Inspection of homogenous color appearances

Earliest possible online thickness and width measurement of the ribbon

Customized quality grading

Glass stress measurement

Statistics and analysis tools for process optimization

Features, typical defects and technical data


  • Moiré technolgy - certified optical measurement of high-quality glass
  • High-performance classification 
  • Advanced LED-illumination technology
  • Tolerant to thickness, transmission and color variation 
  • A single camera bank combined with switchable LED illumination generates different views to reliably distinguish between defects
  • Up to 5 optical channels in one system

Typical defects

  • Surface defects: scratches, streaks, bubbles, cracks, rough spots
  • Edge defects: chips, cracks, uneven edges
  • Thickness variations
  • Optical defects: color variations, haze, warping, distortion 
  • Chemical defects: impurities or incomplete mixing of ingredients
  • Tension defects: bowing or twisting of the glass ribbon
  • Contamination defects: foreign particles, dust, dirt, sand grain

Technical data

  • Measuring range 1 – 20 mm, Option 32 mm
  • Glass transmission > 35 %, Option > 8%
  • Measuring resolution 0.1 µm (for thickness measurement)
  • Spatial resolution 1 mm (for thickness measurement)
  • Approx. cycle time 85 s (45 s at high-speed mode)

Case study - Guardian Glass

Learn, how Guardian Glass increased the productivity and cost-effectiveness of its float glass production.

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Glas plate inspection

Various defects in the manufacture of float glass plates can lead to optical distortion, reduced strength, or increased vulnerability to breakage, and compromised functionality. The defects range from edge defects, uneven flatness, inhomogeneities in color and coating, to faulty lamination and powder particles settling on the glass surface. ISRA VISION inline surface inspection systems are suitable for all pane sizes and thicknesses. They precisely inspect the edges and the entire glass surface, even at high production speeds, to prevent the further processing of defective glass panes.

Smooth glass edges

To avoid edge and grinding defects, an edge inspection system checks the glass edges for all typical defects. The system analyzes the generated images in real-time and detects and classifies all edge defects. This enables automatic quality classification of the glass plates. Based on the collected data, the ideal replacement time for the grinding wheel and edge cutter can be determined. On the market, the system is the only one that detects asymmetries in the grinding at an early stage, optimizes the process and avoids rejects. 

Uniform glass flatness 

Flatness irregularities as well as optical distortions are inspected on the entire glass surface in less than 10 seconds with a special surface inspection system. The fast, non-contact measurement provides reproducible results with accuracy down to the micrometer range. This avoids problems in downstream process steps and ensures an attractive appearance.

Flawless glass coating

Optimal coating of glass plates is ensured by another specially developed inline inspection system. It detects problems in all coating processes at an early stage and classifies all typical coating and arcing defects precisely. Its integrated evaluation system reliably detects inhomogeneities or major quality deviations and ensures uniform coating applications. 

Consistent color homogeneity 

Inhomogeneity in the color of the glass coating can deteriorate the aesthetics and optical properties of the glass. A special optical inspection system detects problems in the coating process at an early stage and precisely detects color inhomogeneity on the entire glass surface. A combination of modern color camera technology and broadband LED illumination covers the entire visible color spectrum, guaranteeing the product quality delivered.

Reliable glass lamination

Laminating defects occur in laminated glass when two or more layers of float glass sheets are laminated together. Typical defects such as bubbles, delamination and uneven adhesion between layers can weaken the glass and compromise its safety. A special laminate inspection system reliably detects and classifies all relevant adhesive defects on glass, PVB interlayer, and edges. With an optional reflection channel, the system determines the height of defects in the laminate and thus localizes the causes of the defects. 

Particle-free glass plates 

To prevent float glass plates from sticking together during transportation due to adhesion forces and chemical reactions, as well as to protect their coatings, glass interlayer powders are applied to glass sheets. Our latest surface inspection system records the number of interlayer powder particles and provides statistics on bead size. In addition, both the area coverage and the density of the powder by particle type are displayed with real-time visual measurement data. The system can be fully integrated with the plant control system and plant network, helping to deliver particle-free glass plates.


Smooth glass edges 

Uniform glass flatness

Flawless glass coating

Consistent color homogeneity 

Reliable glass lamination

Particle-free glass plates

Features, typical defects and technical data


  • Multiple high-resolution cameras and special illumination systems enable an all-round view of the edge 
  • Full altitude map of the 3D form and a corresponding curvature map of the glass 
  • Modern color camera technology and broadband LED illumination covers the entire visible color spectrum 

Typical defects

  • Chips, cracks, and irregularities in thickness  
  • Waves, ripples, and distortions in the surface of the glass 
  • Uneven coating thickness, bubbles, and scratches 
  • Variations in color intensity or hue 
  • Bubbles, delamination, and uneven adhesion between the glass layers 
  • Surface defects like: stones, bubbles, Tin defects, Fine scratches, Cullet chip, Water traces 

Technical data

  • Resolution better 33 μm 
  • Waviness and flatness measurement in < 10 sec. 
  • Edge measurement with up to 80m/sec for glasses from 1 to 6 mm 
  • Up to 3.400 mm width for coating and color inspection 
  • Different illuminations channels like: 
    • Transmission Bright Field 
    • Cross Dark Field 
    • Transmission Dark Field 

Case study - ŞişeCam Flat Glass

Defect-free flat glass production at ŞişeCam thanks to fully automatic 100 % inspection.

Case study - Wuhan Changli Glass CO., LTD.

Learn, how out coating inspection technology combines the capability of detecting small defects with the ability to discovering large color inhomogenity.

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웹 기반 생산 분석 플랫폼을 통해 모든 생산 라인의 시스템 상태를 한눈에 확인하거나 생산 데이터를 세부적으로 분석할 수 있습니다. 품질 관리 시스템을 통해 과거 데이터를 분석하고, 현재 검사 데이터를 실시간으로 모니터링하며, 생산 공정의 향후 추세를 파악할 수 있습니다.


생산 최적화

대시보드를 통해 생산 라인과 제품 데이터를 현장 또는 원격으로 비교하여 최적화를 위한 핵심 인사이트를 얻을 수 있습니다. 이를 통해 가치 사슬 전반에 걸쳐 정보에 입각한 전문적인 의사 결정을 내릴 수 있어 제품 품질과 수익성을 높일 수 있습니다. 최적화 조치의 진행 상황을 지속적으로 추적하고 시각화된 고급 리포트를 통해 이를 제시할 수 있습니다


생산 결함 조기 발견

실시간 상태 정보와 자동 알림을 통해 생산의 모든 단계에서 임계값 위반의 원인을 감지하고 신속하게 파악할 수 있습니다. 그 결과 생산 결함을 신속하게 해결하고 가동 중단 시간을 단축하며 생산 비용을 절감할 수 있습니다.


예측 유지보수

센서와 모니터링 시스템의 실시간 데이터를 분석하여 잠재적인 시스템 장애를 예방할 수 있습니다. 이를 통해 정해진 일정에 따르지 않고 기계의 실제 상태를 기반으로 유지보수를 사전에 계획할 수 있습니다. 이러한 데이터 기반 접근 방식은 다운타임을 줄이고 전반적인 생산성을 높임으로써 비용을 절감할 뿐만 아니라 생산 라인 수명을 연장합니다.

Your Benefits 이점

  • 시간을 절약하 수 있는 multi-line overview, 모든 품질 관련 정보를 한 번에 볼 수 있는 One view 시스템
  • 시스템 상태 데이터 모니터링으로 다운타임 최소화
  • 품질 데이터 모니터링으로 품질 문제에 대한 신속한 대응
  • 생산 결함의 신속한 제거, 생산 비용 절감
  • 유지보수 개선으로 다운타임 감소, 전체 생산성 향상 및 생산 라인 수명 연장

Key features 특징

생산 데이터 및 공장 상태에 대한 Overview

웹 기반 솔루션 (클라이언트 소프트웨어 설치 필요 없음)

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서비스 센터를 방문하여 맞춤형 서비스 솔루션을 요청하세요.

또한 유능한 트레이너를 통해 시스템 운영자, 제품 엔지니어 및 품질 관리자가 진정한 검사 전문가가 될 수 있도록 직원들에게 항상 최신 지식을 제공하는 방법을 알아보시려면  ISRA 아카데미를 방문하세요.

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Jennifer Kirstein


Albert-Einstein-Allee 36-40
45699 , Herten