Check the security features of security paper in real time

Simple reuse of predefined planning sheets for new screen definition

Freely definable system corners and edges for every possible customer specification

Precise paper inspection through a range of freely definable sheet layouts

Configurable overviews of security thread defects and sheet dimensions along the entire web

Detection of defects that arise periodically, with check for complete and correct watermarks

100% paper inspection in the dry section of the paper machine

Developed by ISRA together with some of the world’s leading manufacturers of banknote paper, BankSTAR PM is the most complete and comprehensive in-machine inspection system for security paper on the market. In the dry section, the surface inspection system checks that the paper and any watermarks, threads or other security features display perfect quality. Working in real time, the system also measures the proper positioning of the security features. BankSTAR PM reliably detects and categorizes even the tiniest paper defects using the configurable multi-stage classifier.

Another key feature is the high-precision measurement of the sheet geometry. By inspecting the sheet length and width of all sub-webs, as well as a range of distortion measurements, the system allows process defects to be detected at the earliest possible stage. This means that users can adjust the production parameters within an ongoing process.

The information collected helps optimizing production quantities and detect defective sheets. The system also provides detailed statistics for subsequent analysis.


Experience BankSTAR PM in your application

Security Paper

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